大的天空. 更大的想法.
在落基山脉的中心, 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学是一个目标明确的地方, 不寻常的思考之家, 研究, 创新, 和想法. 蒙大拿是我们活生生的实验室, 作为领先的十大可靠彩票平台,我们提供一流的教育, 在护理方面有很强的附加课程, 健康, 专业领域. 今天,我们所做的比以往任何时候都更重要.
Montana Tech may be best known for engineering and the natural 科学, 但我们也提供商业方面的成熟课程, 健康的职业, 以及其他领域. Explore what you can do at Tech and where we can take you.
The Montana University System leadership and the 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 Search Advisory Committee invite applications and nominations for the position of Chancellor.
The advisory search committee will conduct a national search to replace Les Cook, who has announced his decision to retire as Chancellor of 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 at the conclusion of the academic year.
Dr. Jack Skinner has been appointed as the interim dean of the 兰斯矿业学院 and 工程 at 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学.
The Tech Vision Endowed Scholarship helps recruit new Orediggers and provide funds to take care of our current students. 我们的目标是筹集160美元,000 annually to impact 50-75 students and right now gifts to Tech Vision are being matched 1:1 up to $80,000.